Kol Nidre - Fri Oct 11, 2024 (Tishrei 9, 5785)
This day— this long day punctuated by sleep but not by food, bathing or comfort— this holiest day of our year— this strangely joyful day— is about complete honesty even when it is incredibly uncomfortable.

Rosh HaShanah - Thurs Oct 3 (Tishrei 1)

Parashat Emor - Sat 18 May (Iyar 10)

Parashat Tazria - Sat 13 Apr (Nisan 5)
This week’s parsha, Tazria, is one that makes a lot of people want to stay away from shul. Because well, it’s gross. It’s a lot of blood, a lot of talk of purity and impurity and, of course, a lot of vivid descriptions of tz’ra’at, often translated as leprosy.

Vayishlach - Sat 02 Dec (Kislev 19)

Bereishit Sat 14 Oct (Tishrei 29)

Even as many of us knew this day was likely coming, it hurts. The right to abortion is an issue of religious liberty for Jews and for many faith groups across the United States, and the loss of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness that this ruling will lead to cannot be articulated.

When I was a rabbinical student in my 20s, I fell in love with someone who opened my eyes to the fact that I was definitely not straight. My first reaction, after surprise, was immense gratitude.

On a sunny April afternoon when I was in 6th grade, our English teacher called us back from free reading time, sat us in a circle, and told us about a shooting that had just happened at Columbine high school in Colorado. Two students, we were told, had killed classmates and teachers.