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The WES Board of Trustees is entrusted by the congregation to represent their best interests in the overall management of the synagogue. Members are elected to serve three-year terms.

President: Joanne Feltman*
Vice President:  Lee Huttner* / Marion Mackles* / Susan Van Doren*
Secretary:  Dan Kohn*
Treasurer:  Daniel Kligerman*
Deputy Treasurer:  Andrea Brecker**


Miriam Baskin Ken Klein Donald Shapiro
Ed Baum* Karen Kolodny Adira Siman
Joan Bregstein Evelyn Laufer Dan Van Doren
Amy Chasanoff David Prager* Marcia Weller
Tris Farnsworth Alfred Redd Ian Wenik
Joshua Greenberg Barbara Gish Scult  
Liza Liberman Harrington Jerry Saltzman  

Honorary Trustees:
Leonard Goldner
Benjamin Wm. Mehlman z”l
Charles Silberman z”l
Aaron Ziegelman

Invited to Attend Ex Officio:
Sandy Warshaw

   * Executive Committee Member
 ** Substitutes for Treasurer at Board Meeting