The prayers, poems, meditations and commentary in these collections were composed by members of West End Synagogue, for use in synagogue Shabbat and High Holy Day services.
Interpretive Liturgy for the High Holy Days (pdf) (3.9MB)
Latest Revision July 1, 2020 - Originally compiled September 2011
Sponsored by the Ritual Committee of West End Synagogue
Compiled by Andrea Bardfeld
Interpretive Liturgy for Shabbat (pdf) (1.4MB)
Latest Revision December 28, 2017 - Originally compiled November 2006
Sponsored by the Ritual Committee of West End Synagogue
Compiled by Andrea Bardfeld
(The numbers in the top right hand corner of some pages in this document reference the Kol HaNeshamah Shabbat prayer book (The Reconstructionist Press). The original of each reconstructed prayer can be found on the indicated page.)
These are not static documents; new prayers, poems and commentaries created by WES members are added periodically. Comments, questions or other inquiries about the WES Innovative Liturgy Project may be sent to
The pieces may be used during religious services by other congregations, provided that West End Synagogue and the individual authors, who own the copyright to their work, are cited. Any other usage requires permission from the individual authors, who can be contacted through West End Synagogue using the email address: