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Jewish History Intensive: The Path to Canonizing the Torah
with Nathan Schumer, Columbia University Ph.D. candidate in Ancient Jewish History

Third Thursday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m., beginning in February

If your passion is history or if you simply want to deepen your understanding of the Jewish experience, please join this lively discussion of The Formation of the Jewish Canon by Timothy H. Lim. Covering the period from the emergence of the Torah to the final acceptance of the list of books of the Tanach in the Rabbinic period, Lim suggests that, for several centuries, instead of one official “cannon,” there were several collections of scripture that were authoritative for different Jewish communities.

Readings from the book will be assigned in advance of each session. The group meets in the home of a congregant. For location and registration email history [at] WES members only, please.